
News and views from two ladies at the bottom of the world.

Friday, December 22, 2006

Ruth: Holiday!

First day of Christmas break. Apart from when I am forced to venture outside I plan to spend as much time as possible in my jammies today. It's a matter of principle.
I'm wearing the US icons jammy bottoms that Amy sent in the mail. Marolyn wore the shirt last night. Thanks for the beautiful care package Amy!

I'm still being haunted by ghosts of work worries past, so I think it takes true indulgence and sloth to get that out of my system. I've hired a bunch of dvd's that I've never got round to watching before - old Woody Allen movies, Rebel without a Cause, The Importance of being Earnest...

There is a raging southerly outside and the ocean looks set to angrily eat up the beach. A perfect day for hibernation. Yay for southern hemisphere 'summer' Christmas.

On the preggers front, I get to test in two days (Christmas eve). I was such a stress ball about work this month and lax about taking my temperatures. I'm not feeling that hopeful but you never know.

My brother has arrived in town and it's great to see him again. I'm getting excited about our big melting pot family christmas experiment this year complete with ex's and in-laws. It's likely to be very loud and hopefully in a musical way too.


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